API Reference

Retrieves token information (price estimate) for all tokens in a wallet.

This endpoint retrieves all tokens in a wallet (currently Ethereum is the only chain supported), with the most recent price estimates (when available).

Available in the Business subscription plan only.

Response FieldData TypeDescription
next_offsetnumberThe offsite for the next page of results. If null, no more results are available
last_refresh_datestringLast time the tokens from the wallet were obtained from the blockchain, in ISO notation (UTC time)
tokensarray of TokenThe list of tokens with most recent price information
messagestringIn normal circumstances this field will not be present or will be null. Otherwise, the following message can be returned:

Wallet ingestion queued, please try again later
When a wallet is first requested, it is added to a queue to be ingested. The tokens array will be empty and the last_refresh_date will be null. Please send a new request in a few minutes (duration of ingestion depends on the quantity of tokens in the wallet).
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!