API Reference

The Token Stats object holds the most recent data about a specific token and its contract/collection

Attribute NameData TypeDescription
contractToken Stats ContractSee below
tokenToken Stats TokenSee below

Token Stats Contract

Attribute NameData TypeDescription
floor_price_ethnumberThe lowest ask price for any token in the collection, in any of the monitored marketplaces
last_sale_token_idstringThe token id (base 10 notation) of the most recent sold token in the collection
last_sale_pricePriceThe price paid for the token in the most recent sale in the collection

Token Stats Token

Attribute NameData TypeDescription
ask_price_ethnumberThe lowest ask price for the token in any of the monitored marketplaces, if any
best_bidPriceThe highest bid price for the token in any of the monitored marketplaces, if any
last_sale_pricePriceThe price paid for this token at its most recent sale